Academic interest
in Colonial and Federal architecture reached its highest levels during the
1920s and 1930s. A survey taken in 1925 by Architectural Record
affirmed the popularity of the movement:
231 out of 571 houses published in their annual country house editions from
1923-25 were in some American Colonial idiom. After World War I
the handful of great firms following the school of McKim, Mead and White were
augmented by smaller firms and individual architects like Schmidt
who took an even more active interest in American building traditions as
inspiration for new work. Research tools for these architects included
archaeological and historical studies such as Fiske Kimball's Domestic
Architecture of the American Colonies and the Early Republic of 1922.
During the 1930s
Kimball, along with other noted architects such as William Lawrence Bottomley,
John Mead Howells and Dwight James Baum, were instrumental in forming the
Architects' Emergency Committee which documented outstanding colonial houses.
(Schmidt subscribed to this series and had an extensive collection of measured
drawings of colonial houses in his office.) Architectural journals regularly
ran articles with titles like "The Early Architecture of
Pennsylvania;" which recorded and analyzed the styles of the various
colonial regions. Another serialization which had a profound
effect on the dissemination of American precedents was the popular White
Pine Series of Architectural Monographs, published
under the auspices of a group of lumber manufacturers from 1915 to 1940. (Like
most architects of his generation, Schmidt would have been a subscriber.) These
were joined by books of measured drawings and details, many of which could be
found on the drafting tables of architects like Schmidt. The movement toward
Colonial authenticity culminated in the Rockefeller-financed restoration of
Williamsburg, Virginia, between the years of 1927 and 1935.
Mott Schmidt may
well have been in attendance when Fiske Kimball gave his lectures on American
Colonial domestic architecture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1920.
In his country house work, the architect consistently used the most popular
models appearing in these sources on early American architecture. Schmidt's
first large houses were designed in the "New England Colonial" vein,
recalling clapboard farmhouses published in the 1918-19 issues of the White
Pine series. The H.H. Anderson
and Mrs. F.C. Havemeyer (Figure 23) houses of 1923, both in Roslyn, Long
Island, are simple essays in the white clapboard, dark shuttered saltbox type
which had long since become part of the rural vernacular. They
demonstrate Schmidt's cautious striving for an authentic colonial simplicity.
Most clients, however, wanted something a little more pretentious than
a frame farmhouse, something more classical. Two other early Schmidt houses,
for A. K. Wampole in Guilford, Maryland (c. 1919), and Ormsby Mitchell in Rye,
New York (c. 1920), experimented with a brick Georgian vocabulary (Figures 24
& 25) derived from the famous Virginia river plantations. The Mitchell
house is also heavily influenced by the work of Charles Platt, especially his
Maxwell Court in Rockville, Connecticut (1901-03), and The Moorings for Russell
Alger in Detroit (1908-10). Both houses treat the center pediment and
fenestration in the same way, but Platt's designs are a good deal more resolved
in proportion and detail. With these early commissions, Schmidt established the
paradigms which he would generally follow in his larger houses.